7 romantic ways to pamper your Sea Queen

Its often said “Sinners go to Sea“, if there any truth in it, consider yourself lucky to find a life partner. She is nothing less than finding the perfect pearl, so do yourself a favor and keep her like one and treat her as your Queen. She will stand strong as a lighthouse and guide you on your troughs. Your #lifeatsea may seem tough but she is the one managing the shore while you sail carefree and make your homecoming worthy.

On a practical note you just CAN NEVER compensate for the TIME ONBOARD with anything, all that you CAN is to go an extra nautical mile pampering them. Though you may find fathomless ideas across the internet for long-distance relationships but this article will try to filter it with the sea-scope.

Romantic Quote a day, keeps most worries away

Seafarers enjoy most beautiful scenic views at just few steps from cabin, be it scintillating sunsets/sunrises or clear sunny days with shades of blues separating the horizon and with you in foreground will be the perfect picture she wishes to wake up to. You just have to click a good one, edit it with a nice romantic quote and a date tag and hit the send button. You both will always remember the day onwards.

romantic quote
romantic quote
romantic quote

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10 most upbeat experiences at sea.

Make your journey a journal

Every seafarer cherish the moments they get after hours of work. That excitement just before reaching your cabin to connect, becomes underrated when you at ashore. You often fail to recon the feeling that made your talk so special, so grab a dairy and a pen, ink it down or simply just make an exclusive vlog. Gift her the dairy or the flash-drive, she will adore how badly she was missed.

Kisses for everyday

Fill a jar full of kisses or her favorite bite size chocolate for the number of days of your contract (do consider the plus one of your contract, you coming home to an empty jar won’t be sweet at all). Your sweetness will hit her taste buds too.

image source: pinterest
image source: pinterest

Message in a bottle

This works on the same “funda” as above but it fills the heart. Women, like every female species you can think of, likes to be appreciated in any way possible. You just have to express it to them, and the males do it. This appreciation doesn’t need to be a 1000 words epitome, few good words on a rolled sticky note would do the magic. This you can plan on your current sail for the next one. The frequency of these tiny messages can be daily, weekly or monthly its upto you. Stow them in a bottle/box for her to read them next time you go on sail.

image source: pinterest

Old School Letters

Hoping that you remember this scene from the movie “Kuch Kuch Hota Hai” where Tina writes letters for her daughter’s every birthday she won’t be there. These letters have a personal touch and have been missing from our life with everything digital and now with AI. If you are going to miss certain special days then make it up through handwritten letters no matter how bad your caligraphy skills are. They will cover you for your bad network, unfavorable time zones or all day exhausting works.

image source: pinterest
image source: pinterest

Plan her day

Big shout out to aakritiranaofficial for this one.

We seafarers have better if not the best planning minds out there, you will find us running these big vessels with sensitive cargoes across the untamed oceans. So, use this super-power and plan a day for her. It may be a get together with her besties, or a trip to her favorite place with family, just make sure whatever you plan involves a group of people she likes to hangout, cuz she’s already doing many things on her own.

Aakriti and Rohan are one cute-sea couple out there. Though Rohan doesn’t have an instagram account yet, you can follow Aakriti to see how this Sailor Man bends space & time for her Sailor Queen.

Check out the post and you will know how to “Plan Her Day”.

Five Senses Gift

Assuming that you already know what she likes to eat/drink, the color she likes to see, her favorite perfume brand, the gadget she uses to listen music, or the genre she loves and the accessory or jewelry she keeps reminding you about. You can satisfy her five senses, even when you are floating on the other side of the globe. Very soon Sailor’s Shack will help you manage all your important dates for your loved ones while you are onboard. Till then surprise her by ordering her favorite snacks and other stuffs online.

image source: peekandponder.com
image source: pinterest

If you put a scale for toughness, sea and its extreme conditions scores only 10%, rest 90% is actually the distance from our loved ones for all those months which makes it equally tough for them too. Never let this distance come between your “relation” and “ship“.

Your efforts will motivate her no matter how small they might seem. If you have some unique ideas to share, please write in the comments below. Share this article with your sea-circle. Happy Sailings, Happier Vacations.

A Marine Engineer Officer who graduated from IMU Kolkata, and putting small but significant efforts for Merchant Navy community.

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